I had a hard time deciding which video editing software to evaluate since it had to be one I haven't used. I am a PC...and I'm also a Mac -- especially when graphics are involved -- and iMovie is awesome! The article “Top 5 Free Video Editing Software Programs” (Desktop-Video-Guide) suggested Movie Maker and iMovie, both of which I’ve already used. I looked for Avid FreeDV and discovered it is no longer available for download, so after some frustration, I searched for my own and decided to try Hyper Engine AV. I’ve made several videos before, and when I wanted a truly quality project, I used iMovie. So, luckily, I’m fairly familiar with video editing. I searched YouTube for a tutorial for Hyper Engine AV and found nothing other than videos created with the software. I have found very little help for this software (including within the software!) so I’ve been basically on my own. But, since “media production...leads to unexpected discoveries...” (Garrison, 1999) I just jumped right in. I have discovered that this software creates movies with the .dv file extension which plays with QuickTime -- expected since it’s for Mac. It’s good to know there is Open Source software out there to use in the event that the ones included with computer purchases aren’t working or if I want to expose my students to something new and different.
Desktop-Video-Guide. (n.d.). Top 5 free video editing software programs. Retrieved from http://www.desktop-video-guide.com/top-5-free- video-editing-software-review.html
Garrison, A. (1999, Winter). Video basics and production projects for the classroom. Center for Media Literacy. Retrieved from http://www.medialit.org/reading_room/article3.html