The District’s technology plan encompasses four goals so that school employees, students and members of the community can work to “master technology skills (p. 3).”
Goal #1 is to ensure that the district’s technology is a fundamental part of the total education process. Objectives 1, 4, and 5 focus on how the plan will assist teachers in reaching the goal. Objectives 2, 3, and 6 target students and community members.
Goal #2 has the district providing an infrastructure to meet the district’s needs. Objective 1 focuses on maintaining current equipment and upgrading as needed while Objective 2 provides a safe environment (Internet use) for all.
Administrators are the focus of Goal #3 where the responsibility for integrating technology falls with them. The two objectives within this goal are for training administrators and providing teachers the technology needed to communicate.
Professional development for all teachers is addressed in Goal #4, and the only objective is to provide requested technology training. The responsibility for offering any training falls with the superintendent, campus principals, and the technology director. While there appears to be enough financial resources within the plan, the only mention of ensuring the time necessary for staff development is for offering summer training.
For evaluation/assessment, the plan uses items like TAKS results and teacher/administrator evaluations, but there is no mention on how to make mid-course corrections/enhancements as needed. The total budget value sufficiently rises each of the three years of the plan to cover non-discounted elements.
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