Sunday, July 31, 2011

Action Research Plan – It’s a Start!

Goal:  Will an increase in technology integration into the CScope ELA curriculum increase the number of students reaching commended performance on state assessments?

Action Step(s):Person(s) Responsible:Timeline: Start/EndNeeded Resources Evaluation 
Meet with site supervisor to seek guidance with goal and to review Internship Plan to find possible connections to action research.Barbara SidesAugust 2011/ August 2011Site SupervisorList of suggestions, possible connections and suggestions for implementation.
Meet with the Director of Technology to determine available technology within the school district that I am not currently using within my classroom Barbara Sides August 2011/ August 2011Director of Technology List of technologies in which I will need training
Determine which technologies I'm not proficient in and seek training opportunities (either on my own or through an outside source). Barbara SidesAugust 2011/ October 2011 Own knowledge of whether I'm proficient Enrollment in and attendance of training sessions
Continue as needed with training on school-owned technologies Barbara Sides August 2011/ October 2012Approval from Principal to attend the training and for a sub as needed; funds for training as needed Successful completion of courses (certificates) 
Evaluate CScope lessons to determine which lessons are directly connected to the TAKS objectives Barbara SidesAugust 2011/ May 2012Access to CScope curriculum (user name and password) List of lessons connected to TAKS objectives 
Enhance lesson plans within CScope by matching technologies with the lessons Barbara Sides August 2011/
May 2012 
Available technologies; other possible resources: Principal for approval of some technologies (e.g.. cell phone use); director or technology for unblocking possible blocked sites (e.g. integration of the technology in a lesson(s) 
Search for/ purchase/ implement new, different uses of technology to incorporate into lesson plansBarbara SidesOngoing throughout 2011-2012 school yearRSS feeds of technology resources, budget money, principal approval, director of technology approval, Google and other search devicesEnhanced list of choices of technology to be used
Attend staff development on new, different uses of technology as the opportunity arisesBarbara SidesOngoing throughout 2011-2012 school yearPrincipal approval for day(s) off and sub, budget funding as neededCompletion of course certificates and successful implementation in lesson plans
Train students on the use of specific technology being used in the current lesson Barbara SidesOngoing throughout 2011-2012 school year Specific technologies used in lessons Completion of assignment using the specific technology 
Administer benchmark (released TAKS test) and compare results with previous years' results Barbara Sides November 2011 Released TAKS tests Completed benchmark test results and previous years' test results 
Administer TAKS test and compare results with previous years' results TISD school personnel February 2012/ May 2012 Tests from TEA; results released by TEA Results of tests compared to previous years' test results 

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